Canada Provides $1.2 Million to Ouranos for Four Climate Change Projects


The Government of Canada has announced an investment of nearly $1.2 million in Ouranos for four projects to increase climate change adaptation and resilience in the areas of energy and water management.

“Communities across Canada are feeling the effects of our changing climate differently, which is why local solutions are needed,” said Marc Miller, parliamentary secretary to Canada’s minister of crown-indigenous relations. “We are proud to support Ouranos as they improve knowledge of adaptation measures in the areas of energy and water management, including in Quebec. Their efforts will give decision-makers the information they need to incorporate adaptation into their plans, increasing climate resilience.”

The four projects will enable the development of methodologies that incorporate climate change data and considerations into the construction and maintenance of dams and dikes, helping to increase the reliability of hydroelectricity supplies for Canadians. Decision-makers, including the Quebec river basin communities of Chaudière, Coaticook, and Gouffre will also be provided with new information through workshops and seminars about the costs and benefits of adaptive actions to address the impacts of a changing climate, including flooding.

“Financial support granted to Ouranos not only consolidates our research activities, but also supports projects carried out in collaboration with scientists and community stakeholders experiencing the growing impacts of climate change,” said Alain Bourque, executive director of Ouranos. “Indeed, beyond the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, society must learn to live with a new climate reality. Adaptation becomes a must.”

Funded through Natural Resources Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation program, the projects support the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change to deliver adaptation actions and build resilience across Canada.

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Ouranos is a non-profit organization that develops and coordinates climate change adaptation projects with a network of researchers, experts and policy makers.

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