Climate Change Internship Opportunities in P.E.I.


Twelve organizations from all sectors across Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) will host 15 interns and build climate change expertise in 2021 as part of the ClimateSense Professional Internship Program.

The program provides funding for recent post-secondary graduates to work with host organizations in both the public and private sectors to build adaptation capacity and expertise and prepare for the impacts of climate change.

Applications are now open for internship placements beginning in January 2021. The closing date is November 5, 2020.  A second intake will occur in June 2021.

“This is an incredible chance for Island organizations to work with recent graduates and delve deeper into the opportunities and challenges that will come with climate change,” said P.E.I.’s Minister of Environment, Water and Climate Change Natalie Jameson. “If you are a recent or soon to be graduate with a passion for the environment and tackling climate change, this is an amazing opportunity to gain hands-on experience and develop your skills.”

Host organizations include the following: Abegweit First Nation, Actions Femmes I.P.É, the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, the City of Charlottetown, Creative PEI, Island Nature Trust, the Municipality of Victoria, the Prince Edward Island Watershed Alliance, the Town of Stratford, University of Prince Edward Island and the Wind Energy Institute of Canada.

“As a non-profit representing the Francophone and Acadian women on the Island, Actions Femmes I.P.É is pleased and very proud to be able to take part in the ClimateSense program,” said Johanna Venturini, directrice générale, Actions Femmes I.P.É. “Having an intern will allow us to look at how women are impacted, how we can adapt to climate change and above all, it’s a great opportunity to raise awareness of climate change in the French community and better protect the most vulnerable populations. We believe that it is important to no longer consider women only as part of vulnerable groups, but as indispensable actors of change.”

See also  New Climate Action Fund Opportunities for PEI Projects

The province will also host interns in the Departments of Agriculture and Land, Education and Lifelong Learning, Social Development and Housing, and Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy.

The program is a partnership between the provincial government, the University of Prince Edward Island’s School of Climate Change and Adaptation and Natural Resources Canada’s Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program. Other partners include the Architects Association of PEI, Engineers PEI, PEI Institute of Professional Planners, and the PEI Watershed Alliance.

Natural Resources Canada’s BRACE program is an $18-million strategic investment under the Adaptation and Climate Resilience pillar of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. The program works directly with provinces to deliver projects that include training, internships and knowledge-sharing activities that will build the capacity Canadians need to respond to the effects of a changing climate.

To apply or for further information, click here.

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