The Materials for Clean Fuels Challenge program is inviting researchers to express their interest in working with the National Research Council Canada (NRC) and its Energy, Mining and Environment Research Centre.

The NRC is seeking collaborators with research capabilities in the focus areas of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and artificial intelligence for materials with low technology readiness levels (TRL 1-4). The mission of this program is to coordinate a national effort with leaders in academia and industry to catalyze the discovery and development of materials for early-stage exploratory technologies to decarbonize Canada’s oil and gas and petrochemical sectors.

Contribution funding is available to support the research costs for eligible collaborators including academic researchers and small and medium-sized enterprises.

Areas of focus:

  • Carbon dioxide conversion – Using renewable energy to convert carbon dioxide captured from point sources or the atmosphere into valuable fuels and chemical feedstocks.
  • Industrial-scale hydrogen – Reducing the cost to make, use, move, and store carbon dioxide emissions-free hydrogen.
  • AI-accelerated materials discovery – Combining robotics, artificial intelligence, and high-throughput experimentation to accelerate the rate of materials discovery.

For further information, click here.

Featured image from NCC.

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