The Nova Scotia government is seeking public input on ideas to fight climate change and grow the clean economy.

The consultation is being undertaken through interactive online tools including Zoom sessions, a do-it-yourself kit for groups and communities to facilitate discussions, an information poster to reach youth, and email, mail and phone submissions.

“This is an important consultation for Nova Scotians and our entrepreneurs and businesses who are leaders in the clean economy,” said Premier Iain Rankin. “It shows our commitment to dealing with the issues caused by climate change.”

Meet Iain - Nova Scotia's Liberals

Iain Rankin, Premier of Nova Scotia.

The Clean Foundation will manage the public consultation and Nova Scotia’s Department of Environment and Climate Change will engage key stakeholders and diverse groups. Feedback will help further develop goals under the Sustainable Development Goals Act and assist in developing the Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth.

“It has become clear to me that Nova Scotians are voicing a collective interest in addressing the climate crisis,” said Environment and Climate Change Minister Keith Irving. “It is important that many voices are heard in designing a climate change plan, including groups that have been underrepresented in past processes. A successful path forward must involve collaboration between governments, business, non-government organizations and all Nova Scotians.”

Under the 2019 Sustainable Development Goals Act, Nova Scotia has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 53 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030. The province has also committed to developing a climate change plan and to net zero emissions by 2050.

The consultation period ends July 27, 2021. To participate, click here.

See also  Electric-Vehicle Smart Grid Support for Nova Scotia


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