WSP has taken the lead in Environment Analyst’s Top 100 Environmental & Sustainability Consultancy Firms for 2022. The rankings, researched and curated by Environment Analyst, identify the largest environmental and sustainability consulting firms in the world, based on figures reflecting the 2020/21 financial year.

Taking its recent acquisition of acquisition of the Environment & Infrastructure business (E&I) of John Wood Group plc into consideration has enabled WSP to strengthen its market position and move up to first place in the EA ranking.

“With the recent addition of 6,000 experts from E & I, we are proud to take the lead as the largest environmental & sustainability consulting firm, as acknowledged by Environment Analyst,” said Alexandre L’Heureux, president and chief executive officer of WSP. “Together, we will make an even stronger impact as an agent of change in the green transition, with expanded multidisciplinary services to advise our clients on achieving their sustainability goals.”

Environment Analyst’s Top 100 report is constructed based upon global E&S consulting revenue from the latest audited fiscal year end. The unique, comprehensive dataset was compiled through rigorous research of, and engagement with, the leading firms. It provides critical, independent market intelligence to help business owners, directors and investors with their planning and investment decisions.

Each of the Top 100 firms were ranked in order of E&S consulting revenue, and classified under one of three categories: environmental specialist, mid-range multidisciplinary, or large scale integrated/ multidisciplinary professional services.

Environment Analyst’s definition of environmental & sustainability consulting is:

“The provision of specialist technical, management, risk and strategic advisory services to help organizations understand, manage and limit their impacts, to protect and enhance the environment and society in line with the UN SDGs”.

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Download the Top 100 Report

Featured image credit: WSP.


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