Tag: Policy POV

Policy POV: Why Canada is in the hot seat and how...

By Madison Gaffney, Esq. Canada’s wildfire epidemic is an uphill battle for scientists, firefighters, and policymakers alike. The wildfire epidemic continues to rampage Canada. Black...

Policy POV: Advancing environmental solutions and addressing the procurement problem

By Colin Isaacs The Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA) held its annual Business + Policy Forum in May under the theme "Advancing Environmental Solutions in...

Policy POV: Tackling plastics pollution at home and abroad

The Government of Canada is doing its part to tackle plastic pollution, both at home and abroad, as it helps to chart a roadmap...

Policy POV: Resolving the PFAS problem

The Ontario Environment Industry Association became one of the first Canadian industry groups to hold a conference on the topic when it held a...

Policy POV: Industrial Pollution Penalties on the Rise?

A recent study found that in many parts of the City of Toronto drivers found it cheaper to park illegally and to pay the...

Policy POV: How to validate your environmental claims and avoid greenwashing

The terms “greenwash” and “greenwashing” were reportedly first used by American ecologist Jay Westerveld in the mid-1980s to describe the practice of making invalid...

Policy POV: Canada needs to turn on the taps for water...

A June 2023 article from the Yale University School of the Environment with the intriguing title "Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to 'Extreme'...

Policy POV: Barriers to effectively resolving environmental risks

Politicians are not the only people who too often seem to believe that tough regulations can solve all of our environmental challenges. It is...

Policy POV: The big-ticket green budget

The concept of a green economy, led by green budgets from governments, has been around for several decades but this year's budget may be...