Tag: report
City of Leduc releases Environmental Progress Report
The City of Leduc’s 2020 Environmental Progress Report is now available. Despite challenges faced as a result of COVID-19, the City noted that it...
IPCC Report Shows Time Running Out for Climate Action: WWF-Canada
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) new Special Report on The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) is yet another dire warning...
City of Guelph Shares 100 Per Cent Renewable Energy Progress Report
The City of Guelph is making strides toward its goal to achieve 100 per cent of its energy needs through renewable sources by 2050....
Report Warns of Far-Reaching Climate Change Impacts on Great Lakes Region
How climate change will affect public health, infrastructure, fish, wildlife, and the economy around the Great Lakes is the focus of a new report.