Elizabeth Dove is new head of UN Global Compact Network Canada


Elizabeth Dove has been appointed as the new executive director of the United Nations  Global Compact Network Canada, the Canadian branch of the UN Global Compact.  Dove’s appointment comes at a critical juncture as the Canada branch aims to connect, enable, and guide businesses and stakeholders towards a sustainable future.

The organization is a special initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General, inviting responsible businesses to align their operations and strategies with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, concerning human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. By upholding a principles-based approach, the Local Network Canada aims to accelerate and amplify the global impact of businesses and drive progress towards the Global Goals through companies and ecosystems that enable change.

With a significant presence of over 200 Canadian participants, including a growing number of small-to-medium enterprises, and the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reaching its midpoint, Dove is well-suited to lead the team in advancing sustainable leadership within Canadian business.

Dove brings a wealth of experience in sustainability and community engagement, having held various positions focused on social impact and corporate citizenship across the private and non-profit sectors. Her previous roles include contributions at Amref Health in Africa, Humber College, Crossroads International, Volunteer Canada, and Results Canada.

Recognized as a dynamic, collaborative, and values-driven leader, Dove possesses deep expertise in corporate sustainability and a proven track record of delivering results and making an impact. She holds a Master of Management with a concentration in Social Impact from McGill University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in International Development and Consumer Studies from the University of Guelph.

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Image Elizabeth Dove, the new executive director of the UN Global Compact Network Canada.

“I am deeply honored and grateful for the opportunity to represent the UN Global Compact Network Canada,” said Dove. “I eagerly anticipate collaborating with our team and Participants to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable practices within the Canadian business community, contributing to the enhancement of Canada’s reputation and our collective efforts to address global challenges.”

Rumina Dhalla, board chair of the UN Global Compact Network Canada, spoke on behalf of the Board, stating: Elizabeth made a strong impression on the board with her vision, experience, and expertise. We are looking forward to her leadership in further supporting our Participants’ efforts to advance sustainable business solutions and achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.”

For further information on the UN Global Compact, click here.

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