Report on Climate Accountability Legislation for Canada


A new report from the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices concludes that a national climate accountability framework could provide more certainty as Canada works to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

According to the authors of the report, climate accountability frameworks can help bridge the gap between medium- and long-term goals and the policy action required to achieve them. They break long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets into interim milestones. They establish clear governance structures and processes for linking milestones to policy actions. And they hold governments to account for policy implementation by requiring regular, transparent taking stock, progress reports, and—if necessary—action plans to help correct course.

The report, entitled “Marking the Way: How Legislating Climate Milestones Clarifies Pathways to Long-Term Goals,”  reviews how different jurisdictions have implemented climate accountability frameworks, and identifies common elements from across the world and here in Canada.

The six elements are as follows:

  • Formalizing climate governance structures and processes
  • Clearly defining roles and responsibilities
  • Establishing interim emissions reduction milestones
  • Producing action plans to meet milestones
  • Requiring monitoring and reporting
  • Broadening the scope beyond reducing emissions

The report and the accompanying materials aim to support collaboration between governments, and support a more productive and evidence-based discussion about how each different Canadian jurisdiction could contribute to Canada’s climate goals.

For further information and to read the complete report, click here.

Featured image credit: Canadian Institute for Climate Choices

See also  New Report Reveals Costs of Climate Change for Canada

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