An upcoming webinar promises to shed light on “Unlocking Opportunities: Beyond Dig and Dump,” presented by the Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN), a national network for brownfield practitioners and stakeholders.

The CBN was created in response to recommendations in the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy’s National Brownfield Redevelopment Strategy for Canada. The CBN was founded by the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI).  It was federally incorporated in 2009 and now operates as an independent, autonomous not-for-profit national organization.

The CBN operates with a Board of Directors providing the framework and structure for daily operations. The CBN executives include members from the founding organizations. The vision of the CBN is that brownfield property reuse be the preferred solution by developers.

This webinar is one of several aimed to help brownfield pracitioners learn about best practices.

Unlocking Opportunities: Beyond Dig and Dump
Wednesday November 27, 2024
12:30-2:00pm EDT

Explore a vision for brownfield redevelopment where ‘dig and dump’ is no longer the default. Traditionally, project timelines and constraints have made soil excavation and landfill disposal seem like the only viable option. The presenters will challenge that paradigm, showcasing proven remediation and risk management approaches with real-world examples that check all the boxes: financial viability, scheduling efficiency, and sustainability. Add these practical methods to your toolbox and help make them as standard as ‘dig and dump’.


  • Bruce Tunnicliffe, President VEI Contracting Inc.
  • Fauzeh Eslamian, Project Manager Environment, GHD
  • Chad Belenky, President Iron Creek Group
  • David Meikle, Regional Manager West Milestone Environmental Contracting Inc. (Moderator)
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Cost: $25 for Members | $45 for Non-Members

For further registration, click here.

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