B.C.’s Indigenous zero waste advisors embark on resource recovery partnership


The Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group (IZWTAG), an Indigenous organization assisting First Nations in British Columbia with implementing zero waste programs, announced today that they have partnered with three B.C. signatory stewardship agencies to ensure their stewardship program materials in First Nation communities across British Columbia are collected, handled, stored, transported, and managed responsibly.

The signatory stewardship agencies IZWTAG has partnered with are BC Used Oil Management Association (BCUOMA), Product Care Recycling, and Canadian Battery Association (CBA).

IZWTAG is a non-profit society that was built on the foundation of protecting and preserving the environment and improving waste management within every First Nation community in British Columbia. The purpose of this new partnership with BCUOMA, Product Care and CBA is to:

  • Bring safe and efficient collection and recycling programs to First Nations communities.
  • Communicate technical and regulatory requirements to First Nations regarding the stewarded products they collect and prepare for transport.
  • Provide onsite health and safety and management support to First Nations participating in IZWTAG’s program.

“This cooperative partnership between IZWTAG, BCUOMA, Product Care, and CBA will ensure that products such as used oil, antifreeze, paint, household hazardous waste, lights, and automotive lead acid batteries are managed responsibly at the end of their life cycle, and transportation regulations are complied with,” said Calvin Jameson, president of the Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group. “IZWTAG is thankful for this strategic partnership as it greatly enhances our ability to continue developing improved training opportunities and raise awareness about recycling programs located within First Nation communities across British Columbia, ultimately helping to protect the health and wellness of our natural environment.”

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IZWTAG was founded in 2019 with the aim of assisting First Nations to implement zero waste programs. This new partnership was finalized during IZWTAG Days that took place on April 26th to 27th, 2023. All three stewardships are also Associate Members of IZWTAG.

“BCUOMA has been an associate member of the Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory since 2019, and we have worked with various First Nation communities in B.C. to implement used oil collection systems. We are excited about this new collaboration with IZWTAG to bring safe, free, and convenient used oil and antifreeze recycling facilities to more Indigenous communities across the province,” said David Lawes, CEO of the BC Used Oil Management Association. “Creating zero waste solutions and building on BC’s circular economy is an important initiative for BC Used Oil Management Association.”

“IZWTAG is a progressive organization, and they want to ensure that First Nations communities located all over British Columbia have access to recycling services to return their lighting products, smoke and CO alarms, and household hazardous waste such as paint, pesticides, and flammable liquids,” said Mark Kurschner, president of Product Care Recycling. “Product Care is committed to protecting the environment by providing waste diversion solutions to all communities.”

“The proper management of lead acid batteries, with the assistance of innovative partners like IZWTAG, helps to achieve sustainability, and zero waste, and pollution prevention objectives in First Nations communities,” said Colin McKean, executive director of the Canadian Battery Association. “Canadian Battery Association’s mission is to provide information, advocacy and benefits that support the responsible management of lead acid batteries for all British Columbians.”

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This video highlights BC Used Oil Management Association’s relationship with IZWTAG.

Featured image: The MOU Signing from left to right: Colin McKean, Calvin Jameson, Mark Kurschner, and David Lawes. Image credit: IZWTAG.

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