National Residuals and Biosolids Conference Calls for Abstracts


The Water Environment Association of Ontario is seeking abstracts for presentation at the Canadian Biosolids and Residuals Conference on September 20-22, 2020 at White Oaks Conference Centre in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

Organizers are currently accepting abstract submissions in the following suggested topic areas:

  • Sustainable Strategies for Biosolids & Residuals Reuse
  • Product Development
  • Communication
  • Successful Biosolids & Residuals Operational Programs
  • Managing Emerging Compounds
  • Thickening and Dewatering Mechanisms and Optimization
  • Co-Digestion
  • Anaerobic Digestion
  • Advanced Digestion
  • Thermal Processes
  • Odour Management
  • Beneficial Use of Biogas
  • Resource Recovery
  • Policy & Regulation of Biosolids & Residuals Recycling
  • Our Carbon Footprint
  • Managing for Soil Health

Deadline for abstract submission:  March 31, 2020
Notification of acceptance will be provided on or before: April 30, 2020

Students are encouraged to participate in this conference through a reduced registration fee and competitively-awarded prizes and sponsorship for outstanding abstracts.

Submission Guidelines

Abstract submissions should be in the extended format consisting of a minimum of two and a maximum of four double-spaced pages Authors are encouraged to include data tables and figures to provide clarity and understanding. Abstracts should indicate the topic area to which the presentation fits and clearly, but briefly, define the objectives of the presentation.

Selection Criteria

The selection process is highly competitive so please take time to ensure your submission(s) meet or exceed the following criteria:

Applicability – The abstract should present ideas, concepts, or lessons learned that are transferable and usable at other facilities and situations.

Demonstrated results/conclusions –  The topic presented in the abstract should be mature and proven, including lessons learned. Depending on the type of abstract, this could measure the extent that plans are developed or stages/projects are completed.

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Consequences – The abstract should address the consequences of the issue/project presented. The consequences, both intended and unintended, could include environmental, economic, and social impacts. Both positive and negative results are encouraged.

Relevance – The topic presented in the abstract should appeal to the audience by presenting breakthrough technologies, new concepts, and novel applications of concepts, original ideas, new twists, hot topics, or application of fundamental techniques to today’s biosolids problems.

Content, clarity and quality – Authors should prepare clear, concise abstracts to follow the requirements. The quality and content of the abstract is considered indicative of the final paper/poster.


Receipt of a paper (i.e. typewritten manuscript) for the conference proceedings by July 31, 2020. Presenters must be registered as a conference delegate by July 31, 2020. PowerPoint presentations must be received by September 1, 2020.

For further information, click here.

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