Tag: Stantec
Stantec to provide services to protect and enhance natural environments in...
Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, has signed a standing offer agreement with the City of Montreal’s Service des grands parcs,...
Navigating the GHG protocol and the potential pitfalls on the way...
By Brendan Player, Josh Running, and Benjamin Smith
Let’s say you’re a large energy producer and you’re hitting your ambitious goal of being net zero...
Stantec selected to design biomass cogeneration facility for First Nation in...
Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, has been selected by the Onimiskiw Opitciwan Limited Partnership to design the future biomass cogeneration...
Making brownfields redevelopment a priority “here and now” at CBN conference
The Canadian Brownfields Network (CBN), a national community of brownfield professionals dedicated to transforming formerly underutilized and contaminated properties into revitalized residential, community, and...
BC Hydro selects Stantec to provide clean energy engineering and project...
Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, has been selected by BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC Hydro) to provide transmission and distribution engineering...
Stantec reports $5B of revenue aligned with sustainability-linked initiatives
Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, released its 17th annual Sustainability Report and announced that US$3.9 billion / CDN $5.33 billion (61 per...
Reviving the Ecosystem: How to accelerate the capture and removal of...
By Octavio Urosa, Babak Safari and Brendan Player
The primary goal of the energy transition is to reduce carbon emissions and protect the planet for...
Stantec selects leader for nature-based solutions practice
Dominic Kempson has been promoted to lead Stantec’s Nature-based Solutions (NbS) practice in Environmental Services (ES), overseeing strategic direction, technical development, and global growth.
PFAS in Mining: How to manage potential impacts, risks, and challenges
By Tanya Shanoff and Justin Hains
We see that PFAS—or per- and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances—are showing up around the world. In Canada, regulators looking for...
CNC selects Stantec to provide environmental consulting services for Crawford Nickel...
Canada Nickel Company (CNC) has selected Stantec, a global leader in sustainable design and engineering, to provide professional environmental consulting services for the Crawford...