FCM Recommendations for a Green Recovery


The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has released recommendations for federal post-COVID economic recovery plans—urging a green and inclusive recovery that empowers local leaders to deliver results for Canadians while continuing to protect the frontline services they rely on.

FCM’s plan, entitled “Building Back Better Together,” urges the federal government to work with its 2,000 municipal members to create jobs, promote equality and tackle climate change. The recommendations are designed to support a green recovery across the country, as well as enable greater resilience and faster economic recovery.

“Building back better starts on the ground,” said Garth Frizzell, president of FCM. “Municipalities have a track-record of turning federal investment into jobs and growth. We’re also uniquely positioned to do that in ways that achieve key national goals—from promoting equality to building a net-zero emissions economy. After everything we’ve learned in this pandemic, Canadians want the green and inclusive recovery that their local governments can drive.”

FCM’s green-recovery plan emphasizes public transit and community climate action. Investing in efficient transit and zero-emission transit vehicles will create jobs and shorten commutes while significantly reducing GHG emissions. Scaling up the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund and investing in natural infrastructure will create more jobs as communities boost their climate resilience. FCM’s Green Municipal Fund is ready to help communities create jobs and reduce emissions—through building retrofits, greener vehicle fleets, tree planting, and other green initiatives.

FCM also stressed the need for continued operating funding support so municipalities can protect frontline services and gear up for recovery: the critical first tranche delivered through the Safe Restart Agreement will need extending as pandemic impacts stretch through 2021.

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The organization also emphasizes that the recovery reflect the coast-to-coast-coast impact of the pandemic. Swiftly following through on recent commitments to universal Internet access will boost the economic and social health of rural, northern and remote communities—and stand as inspiration for a truly nationwide recovery that builds better lives in communities of all sizes and every region.

To read the complete recommendations, click here.

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