Funds for projects to reduce air pollution in Quebec


The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change is now accepting applications for nearly $4.4 million in funding through the Environmental Damages Fund to support projects in the province of Quebec that will help reduce transportation-related air pollution.

The objective of this call for proposals is to support projects that will reduce transportation-related air pollution by improving urban mobility and by supporting active transportation in the province of Quebec.

This initiative complements the Government of Canada’s commitment to take action to increase active transportation across the country through the first National Active Transportation Strategy.

This call for proposals is another step in reducing transportation-related air pollution while providing safe and inviting options for people living in Quebec to walk, bike, run, or use any human-powered or hybrid mobility aids for work and play. Applicants can apply until December 6, 2023, and must request a minimum of $250,000 to be eligible.

“With this fund, we are using fines paid by bad environmental actors to support the efforts of those who work to protect and improve Canada’s environment,” said Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change. “Supporting active transportation and urban mobility projects not only reduces transportation-related air pollution, it will also help move us closer to our net-zero emissions goals, while providing safe and inviting options for the community to work and play.”

Active transportation includes walking, cycling, and the use of human-powered or hybrid mobility aids such as wheelchairs, scooters, e-bikes, rollerblades, snowshoes, cross-country skis, and more. Urban mobility refers to a person’s ability to move around the city where they live and work.

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The funding available for this call for proposals is part of the settlement agreement for the Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique v. Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. et al., class action lawsuit, which was approved by the Superior Court of Québec on June 16, 2022. (Court decision – available in French only.)

To apply for project funds, visit:

Environmental Damages Fund: Available Funds and Application Process

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