New Geomatics Firm Launches in Central and Western Canada


GeoVerra Inc., a new geomatics firm with offices in Western Canada and Ontario, opened its doors on June 29, 2020 after a transaction was finalized between Altus Group Ltd. and WSP Global Inc.

Altus Group provides real estate consulting and advisory services that include cost consulting and project management, geomatics and software solutions. WSP provides a range of management and consultancy services to the built and natural environment.

As part of the transaction, geomatics providers were selected from the two organizations to form GeoVerra. The new company provides solutions in land surveying, mapping, forestry, and geospatial technology across diverse industries, with a mission to provide outstanding service and leave a positive impact on the communities it serves.

The GeoVerra company motto, “A partner you can count on in an ever-changing world” is fitting considering the timing of the launch during a post-pandemic economy and the unpredictable changes over the past four months.

With 620 employees in 29 offices, GeoVerra is well equipped to serve its clients by offering a broad variety of geomatics services. The team has the expertise and scope to take on large, complex projects, while remaining agile to be competitive at the local level for smaller projects.

“Launching a new business during a global crisis is no easy feat, but to me, it demonstrates the work ethic, resilience and strength of this amazing team we have brought together,” said John Nielsen, chief executive officer of GeoVerra. “It’s this determination that drives us to provide outstanding service, exceed expectations and create lasting relationships that clients can depend on.”

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Nielsen adds, “We understand this is a difficult time for many organizations and what they need is a reliable partner. As a service organization, that’s exactly what we’re here to do – provide responsive, efficient, solutions-based performance, with the size and stability to deliver consistent and reliable services.”

In terms of environmental offerings, the company provides environmental land management, environmental site assessments and inspections, greenhouse gas emissions monitoring, water quality monitoring, timber scaling, regulatory approvals and reporting, road use and access plans, wetlands assessments, Indigenous consultation, and more.

The seasoned staff has extensive experience in the environmental sector. For example, they have been providing timber, environmental and land management services to the Alberta energy and forestry industries since 1995. The environmental and forestry team is made up of registered foresters and forest technologists, and professional biologists with decades of project management experience. They develop plans that incorporate regulatory requirements, stakeholder needs and key operational criteria.

For further information, click here.

Featured image credit: GeoVerra.

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