Evergreen Releases Plans for Post-Pandemic Recovery


Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto, Ontario has released a new report on post-pandemic recovery for its award-winning demonstration hub and natural resource complex in Canada’s largest urban centre.

Report authors Helen Burstyn, the chair of the Evergreen Board, and Geoff Cape, founder and CEO of Evergreen, share the difficult decisions required to ensure the organization’s resiliency as physical distancing measures are extended during the summer and announces new strategies to enable sustainability for the organization and community.

“Innovation is one of Evergreen’s core values. It is what explains our evolution from a tree-planting organization 30 years ago to one that now leads national programs on issues such as smart cities, school greening and housing affordability,” reports Cape. “The short-term and long-term challenges we will face require all of us to embrace this spirit of innovation. It is a time for transformative change and recovery. Even with so many unknowns, we have an opportunity to define the future we want and need. The strategy that we have created and are implementing has required speed and precision, while being thoughtful, transparent and innovative at each and every step.”

The steps explained in the report, “Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild Resilience at Evergreen,” include the following: crisis management strategies including fast-tracked technology solutions for employees; rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding work plans such as programming and events, including the Future Cities Canada Summit; and, enduring change through an evolved policies that invest in new solutions for economic, environmental and social returns.

Since 2010, Evergreen Brick Works has been a demonstration hub where thousands of visitors experience sustainable practices. The organization connects citizens, business, academia and government to explore urban greening solutions.

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To read the complete report, click here.

Featured image from Evergreen Brick Works.

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