Jennifer Bailey Joins LOGISTEC as VP of Business Development


Montreal, Quebec-based LOGISTEC Environmental Services Inc. announced that Jennifer Bailey has joined its team as vice president of Business Development.

In this new role, Bailey will work closely with the environmental team to define and implement business development plans for the next generation of water technology, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) for North America. She will also play a key role in efforts to expand environmental remediation and brownfield redevelopment projects across Canada.

Jennifer Bailey

With a background in chemical engineering, Bailey is an accomplished leader with over a decade of in-depth experience in the field of water technology, most recently as director of Global Business & Market Development and Strategic Initiatives at Solenis LLC, a global specialty water treatment company headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. She also brings with her a unique perspective, having spearheaded market and commercial alignment strategies as well as technological developments for use in the pulp and paper, mining and chemical refining industries focusing on utilities, influent water and wastewater management.

“I am excited to be joining the LOGISTEC family, especially with the launch of the next generation of water technology, which will revolutionize the way municipalities, including those in earthquake-prone regions, tackle their water infrastructure problems,” said Bailey. “I am really looking forward to working with the team to ensure we reach every community that will benefit from this technology, before their water infrastructure issues become an emergency.”

LOGISTEC Corporation provides specialized services in both the marine and environmental industries through LOGISTEC Environmental Services Inc. and its subsidiaries SANEXEN Environmental Services Inc. and FER-PAL Construction Ltd.

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“We welcome Jennifer to the team,” said Madeleine Paquin, president of LOGISTEC and SANEXEN. “We look forward to leveraging her strategic and innovative mindset to help tackle key environmental challenges and water infrastructure issues facing so many communities right now, and to getting our solutions into the hands of key stakeholders as quickly as possible.”

For further information, click here.

Featured image from Sanexen: Noranda Inc.’s Gaspé copper smelter in Murdochville mined copper deposits and operated ore and concentrate treatment and processing plants.

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