The Government of Yukon released a bold new strategy that includes 131 actions to address the impacts of climate change while building a green economy and ensuring Yukoners can access reliable, affordable and renewable energy over the next decade.

The final strategy, entitled “Our Clean Future: A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy,” incorporates new details developed since the release of the 2019 draft strategy, including the following:

  • additional information about reporting
  • increased renewable energy targets
  • a new 2050 greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target, and
  • completion dates for the 131 actions.

“Yukoners are passionate about climate change and want to make sure we do our part to make a difference,” said Yukon Premier Sandy Silver. “This strategy marks an important turning point for Yukon as we collectively take steps towards a sustainable future that benefits Yukoners. Our Clean Future meets the challenges we face today and sets a clear direction for a strong, resilient and clean future.”

The territory-wide strategy aims to reduce Yukon’s GHG emissions by 30 per cent and ensure Yukon is resilient to the impacts of climate change by 2030. Over the next decade, the Government of Yukon, in partnership with the Government of Canada, will invest more than $500 million to implement this strategy and create new jobs in our green economy.

To help execute these strategies the government has launched a new suite of clean transportation rebates. These clean transportation incentives will help make zero-emission and electric vehicles more affordable while creating local business opportunities that boost Yukon’s economy.

“Our Clean Future is an ambitious, Yukon-wide strategy to address our changing climate in a sustainable way. The strategy outlines tangible actions we will take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts over the next decade,” said Yukon’s Minister of Environment Pauline Frost.

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The Government of Yukon collaborated with Yukon First Nations, transboundary Indigenous groups and Yukon municipalities to establish Our Clean Future’s priorities. The final strategy reflects input from Yukoners, non-governmental and community organizations, industry and private businesses, First Nations and municipal governments gathered during two rounds of public engagement in 2018 and 2019.

For further information, click here: Our Clean Future


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